Thursday, May 10, 2012

Blog Content Overhaul

As the three of you who read this blog may have noticed, I have taken a break from writing every day for about a week now. Mostly it is because time is definitely a factor, but partly it's also because I have basically the same thing to say every single day. Worked out, felt great, ate clean, it was yummy, shampoo, rinse, repeat.  In my spare time - that two minutes between waking up and brushing my teeth at 5 AM - I have been thinking about how I can make changes to this bog for it to serve two functions:

1.) An educational center for those who may stumble upon my blog and want to know more about clean eating and whole body health, and
2.) A place for me to store all of the information I have so that I can find it quickly and easily.

Granted, number 2 is more important to me, which is a phrase that would make both my husband and my six-year old son giggle.

So, from now on, I will likely be creating posts that are far more informational and far less personal. The personal blog posts served their purpose during those first two months when I was struggling and then flourishing in my diet overhaul. Now, they are redundant and unnecessary. That doesn't mean I don't still need a spot for all of the information I gather, and maybe, at some point, the info I find will help others as well.

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