My newest self-imposed challenge is to drink 64 oz of water each day. On day one, I drank 16. For those of you who are not good with math, 16 is less than 64. I never realize just how hard it is to drink so much water until I force myself to do so. I have often gone through phases where I try to drink the "right" amount, then give it up because it just takes too much time and I don't see any benefits, except that I have to pee more. I don't know that that's a benefit, though.
Yesterday, I refilled a 20 ounce water bottle four times for a total of 80 ounces. I have my bottle at the ready now and I'm sure I will see another fun-filled day of running to the bathroom, screaming for children to get out of my way.
I am still eating clean and managed to get through a vigorous weights routine at home yesterday. As of this week, I will have completed my one month leg and back workout from Oxygen magazine that is supposed to totally sculpt my body. I have definitely gotten stronger, but I honestly do not see a difference in my appearance. I have lost two pounds and an inch around my waist, but I don't think it's from these particular workouts any more than from eating clean and now getting regular cardio. This doesn't mean I give up, but I do think my muscles have gotten bored with these particular workouts. Even though I've increased the weight, I'm not feeling it, so I will soon be moving on. Don't worry, I have plenty other workout plans to fall back on.
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