Tuesday, June 26, 2012

10 Tips for a Healthy Detox

I am a part of the Columbia Slimdown Challenge and my team is doing great! We are currently in 9th place out of 656. Not too shabby. I have done my part by, so far, losing 12 pounds. However, I feel that I need a boost to my energy and to my overall physical feeling. The best way I can think to feel healthy is through detox.

I do a detox a couple of times a year, but unfortunately, I usually do so in an unhealthy way. I will cut out all foods except for water and fruit and I'll end up getting sick for a few days because my defenses have completely weakened. This week I'm very closely monitoring my nutrition so that I can continue to detox without fear of the repercussions.

10 Tips for a Healthy Detox

1. Ditch the Extreme Diet
Detoxing is not about starvation. It is about ridding your body of harmful toxins that can happen from eating foods that are processed, filled with sugars, or contain additives that are not good for anyone. Choosing to fast instead of choosing to eat healthy foods leaves you vulnerable to disease and feeling too fatigued to exercise.

2. Remember to Hydrate
You should always take in a minimum of 64 ounces of water each day regardless of whether or not you are in detox mode. However, during detox days, it is particularly important to hydrate. Many people, during detox, experience a loss of fluids. It is vital to your health and well-being that you replace any fluids that are lost.

3. Namaste
Detox week is a great time to start a new yoga routine. This form of exercise helps you to experience a whole body approach to healthy living. When your mind and your body are able to work together, you get the best benefit from your exercise.

4. Sweat it Out
Yoga is great, but nothing rids your body of toxins like a good sweat. Get your heart pumping with some cardio, then pump some iron. Plan for this at least a couple of times a week and don't forget to drink plenty of fluids.

5. Factor in Rest and Relaxation
We all lead busy lives, but the ideal detox includes proper amounts of rest. Ideally, an adult should get about eight hours of sleep per day. For many of us, this simply isn't possible. However, you should at least give yourself an occasional 15 minutes to close your eyes and give yourself a mental break - even if that means locking yourself in the bathroom while the kids watch Yo Gabba Gabba.

6. Spice it Up
One of the best ways to detox is through the use of spices. Add carminative spices to your fresh fruits, vegetables, or smoothies. These help to reduce gas and bloating. Carminative spices include anise, basil, rosemary, dill, ginger, and peppermint.

7. Hush the Grumble
The digestive system works food through the body at a rate of about every two hours. Those rumbles you hear when you're hungry? They also happen when your stomach is full. However, when the stomach has food inside of it, the noise is quieted. Quiet the rumble by eating very small meals or snacks throughout the day instead of focusing on two or three shakes that leave you feeling hungry, tired, and weak. Just make sure those snacks are nutritious and free from preservatives.

8. Detox Your Life AND Your Food
Who says detoxification is only about food choices? For a true whole-body approach to detox, try to limit the number of chemicals you encounter throughout your day. Use homemade cleaning products, limit artificial scents and additives that may come from air fresheners and cosmetics, and stay away from places where you may be subjected to second-hand smoke.

9. Evaluate Your Choices
If your detox plan makes you feel fatigued, you are probably not making the best choices. You should feel energized and invigorated by your efforts at whole body health. You should not feel as though you have been hit by a truck. If you find yourself feeling worse instead of better, look over your nutritional needs and make sure they are being met.

10.  Reward Yourself
Schedule a massage or a body wrap during detox week. Some use these as rewards for getting through the week. Others consider it simply part of the detox process. Whichever you choose, a massage is a great way to remind yourself that you and your body should be friends instead of enemies. When you treat your body right, it will reward you.

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