Thursday, May 31, 2012

Fresh Herb Salad

My garden may or may not flourish, but one thing that I have no doubt that I will have in spades are plenty of fresh herbs. Last year, I made salads out of handfuls of basil, oregano, mint, and whatever lettuce I could grab. Truly, if you have 1/2 cup of herbs, you can create a delicious salad out of items you have on hand. The following quantities are per person. You can double or triple this recipe easily.

I totally stole this image from Flickr.
1/2 cup lettuce
1/2 cup herbs
sliced onions

3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
several leaves of lemon balm or lemon basil
pinch sea salt
freshly ground black pepper

The directions are incredibly simple. Place all salad ingredients in a bowl. In a separate bowl, pour the olive oil over the lemon balm, adding sea salt and black pepper to taste. Pour over the lettuce ingredients and serve.

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