Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 1

I am starting to blog about clean eating, mainly just for my own satisfaction, but if I somehow help someone else in some way, that's a good thing too.

I first started reading about clean eating about six weeks ago. I was headed to the gym and needed some reading material for the treadmill. I found Oxygen magazine, which I had never given a second glance before because I previously had thought was somehow related to Oprah Winfrey. It's not. It's actually quite a wonderful rag about body building and healthy living for women. Oxygen magazine promotes clean eating in a big way. The editor, Robert Kennedy, is married to Tosca Reno, who has written a series of books about clean eating, so I went to the library and checked one of them out.

I can't say that I'm 100% sold that this is going to work out for me. Honestly, there is little to argue with as far as what is suggested. Don't eat processed foods and drink more water. Eat in healthy proportions. Exercise. Duh. What I'm struggling with is, will it really make me feel better? Will I really be healthier once I start eating clean? Will I spend less money or will my food bills sky rocket?

I have committed myself to eating clean during the month of March. I further commit that I will blog here every day to document what I'm eating, how I'm feeling, and how much money I'm spending on food. I won't go into too many specifics as I already document my food and exercise on another web site. I only have so much time, you know.

I'll start by saying that I, so far, have not eaten much today. I haven't had the chance to go to the natural grocery store for the items that I want and when I hit the supermarket yesterday they didn't have the right items at the right prices. I did grind fresh peanut butter while I was there, which took about 10 minutes for a teeny tiny amount (I'll definitely be needing more soon), and bought a bag of apples. I'm supposed to be getting organic, but I just couldn't make myself spend the extra $$.

So far today my feeling is.... hungry. Super hungry. In fact, I need to stop thinking about it or else I'll grab that box of Girl Scout Cookies that is perilously only a few feet away.

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